Mission Statement
In January 2003, The Burlington County Board of Social Services debuted their Vision for servicing the future needs of our county.
The Board stated that they will continue to be the lead agency in developing and providing access to economic and social services for county residents.
The Community recognizes that the security and well-being of each individual are essential to the security and well-being of the community as a whole. Therefore, it has established a variety of human service programs.
Supplementary services under private auspices are also available in the community. To the greatest extent possible clients shall be informed of these services as additional resources.
This agency’s human service programs are administered within the framework of Federal and State law and regulation in accordance with equitable and objective standards. Policy is limited by law and is effective only as it is consistent with law.
Such assistance and services shall also be rendered to all eligible individuals and families in an atmosphere of mutual respect between the agency employees and the people they serve.
We shall ensure that assistance and services are:
- Extended in a manner and environment which increases a person’s sense of importance, dignity, and self-esteem.
- Designed and administered to respect the human and civil rights of individuals applying for or receiving assistance.
- Provided in the least restrictive, most appropriate setting.

The Mission Statement
The Burlington County Board of Social Services is committed to excellence in providing services to individuals, to families, and to the community by:
- Preserving and Restoring Families
- Promoting Self Sufficiency
- Providing Information and Referrals
- Protecting the Well-Being of Children, the elderly, and the disabled
We Strive to Accomplish This Mission By:
- Valuing the Diversity and Skills of our Employees
- Maintaining an Environment of Mutual Respect and Trust
- Upholding High Ethical Standards of Conduct and Business Practices
- Building Partnerships with Community Organizations and Service Providers