Covid Information
Employee Covid-19 Information
Burlington County Board of Social Services is committed to continuing to provide a safe working environment for its employees, and visitors, while fulfilling the need to deliver services to the residents of our County.
Wear a Mask:
All individuals entering any County facility must wear a face-mask that covers the mouth and nose when in common or shared areas such as hallways, elevators, restrooms, conference rooms, etc.
Do Not Come to Work if You Have Flu-Like Symptoms
Employees returning to work will be monitored for COVID-19 symptoms. Employees who have cold or flu symptoms should immediately notify their supervisor and NOT come into the workplace.
Routine temperature checks for employees upon entering the building and/or department will be conducted:
- Individuals getting their temperatures taken must wear face masks.
- Any individual whose temperature is 100.4 or greater will be sent home and must contact their supervisor and Human Resources.
Please click here for the CDC Coronavirus Self-Checker.
Some Symptoms of COVID-19 include:
- Cough
- Shortness of breath
- Fever
- Chills/Repeated shaking with chills
- Muscle pain
- Headache
- Sore throat
- New loss of taste or smell
Free COVID-19 Testing
Burlington County offers free COVID-19 testing at the Student Success Center on RCBC’s Mount Laurel Campus on Route 38. Testing is available for individuals who work in Burlington County and Burlington County residents (ages 6 and older). If you’ve been exposed, please quarantine and then get tested 5-7 days after being exposed for more accurate results.
Testing hours for March will be:
- Tuesdays – 9:00am – 12:00pm
- Wednesdays – 12:00pm – 4:00pm
- Thursdays – 9:00am – 12:00pm
The offered test is a SALIVA test, so please do NOT eat, drink, smoke, vape or chew gum for 45 minutes prior to testing. Please wear a mask. Click here for more information.
BEFORE making and or booking any out-of-state travel plans, please speak with your supervisor.
Additional Information:
The Burlington County Health Department offers a plethora of information about the coronavirus and links to both the NJ Department of Health and the CDC. The Health Department also offers free COVID-19 tests. Please go to the Health Department webpage for additional information.
Workplace Safety Reminders
Employees should wear a mask if they leave their desk for ANY reason, even if it is just to get up and grab a printout from the copier.
If someone approaches your desk for reason, BOTH of you should wear a mask.
It is prohibited, with the exception of a BRIEF incidental encounter such as passing in the hallway, that anyone be closer than 6 feet from each other. This includes work time and breaks. It is imperative that you follow this rule.
No one should use or sit at another employee’s desk for any reason unless the supervisor is aware of the change and has had the work area sanitized.
If we work together, we will all get through this pandemic and stay healthy.